Monday, October 26, 2009

No birding today.

What a sad title!
Hopefully we all got in a little birding yesterday - a beautiful warm Sunday which followed Saturday's south winds and pouring rain.
So, yes, I wasn't able to get out birding at lunchtime today, but thought I'd share a photo Lynn took last week. She was checking the ground below a huge expanse of glass, a multi-level building connector here on West Campus, and found a Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
Regulus calendula, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, photo-Lynn Jones
This little guy had been stunned by a window-strike, and was sitting below the window, eyes closed. As it sat for photos, it must have regained strength, and eventually flew up into a nearby pine. Today, as she approached the same place, Lynn noticed a lot of small-bird activity in the shrubbery, and sure enough there was another vicitim. This time a Golden-crowned Kinglet, which also seemed to recover, and fly away.
Research on window-strikes has shown that 50% of the birds that are able to fly away, eventually die from their injuries. Cornell University's Laboratory of Ornithology has a lot of information collected in one place, if you're interested in reading more:

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